The video of the conference “Food for thought on the work of Giuseppe Valeri, commercial lawyer” is online.

The video of the conference “Food for thought on the work of Giuseppe Valeri, commercial lawyer” is online.

The full video of the conference “Food for thought on the work of Giuseppe Valeri, commercial lawyer” is online with the following reports:

– Maura Mordini: Giuseppe Valeri and the history of law: the example of the commercial company;
– Vittorio Santoro: Giuseppe Valeri and commercial law manuals;
– Umberto Tombari: Giuseppe Valeri and the “new commercial law”;
– Giovanni Niccolò Antichi: Giuseppe Valeri’s interest in transport and insurance contracts;
– Giuliana Romualdi: The state monopoly of jurisdiction and arbitration (considerations on the sidelines of the article by G. Valeri “Italian jurisdiction and foreign commercial companies”, in Riv. Del dir. Comm., 1931).

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