Dr. Esmeralda Olivari wins the “Antichi Law Firm” degree award

Dr. Esmeralda Olivari wins the “Antichi Law Firm” degree award

The award ceremony for the Antichi Graduation Award to the winner, Dr. Esmeralda Olivari, took place on Saturday 9 October at the Polo Universitario Grossetano.

The doctor graduated in Commercial Law, supervised by Professor Vittorio Santoro, with a work on interest rate swap contracts, a category of derivative contract whose conclusion, not always transparent, has produced a significant dispute in recent years.

The degree award was established by the lawyer Giovanni Niccolò Antichi, with the collaboration of the Polo Universitario Grossetano Foundation, to enhance the work of young graduates from the Department of Law of the University of Siena.

The ceremony, held in compliance with the rules for containing the contagion from Covid-19, was attended by the president of the Grosseto University Polo Foundation, Gabriella Papponi Morelli, the lawyer Alessandro Antichi representing the Antichi Law Firm and Professor Maura Mordini representing the Department of Law of the University of Siena.

In the photo from left to right: the lawyer Alessandro Antichi, the president of the Grosseto University Polo Foundation Gabriella Papponi Morelli, the winner of the degree award Dr. Esmeralda Olivari and professor Maura Mordini representing the Department of Law of the University of Siena.

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